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作家相片Sheu Suki

SliMe_Version 1 Setting

Game Story

"Slimes" are generally set as the weakest monster in the game, their attack power is extremely low. So it is at the lower level of the food chain in the game world and they have been oppressed by humans and monsters for a long time. Until one day, the protagonist "Slime" discovers that having the power to devour different elements and it is immortal. Which is the only slime that has these special abilities in their family. Now, the protagonist "Slime" decided to go out on an adventure, fighting against other monsters and humans. To find some different assets in order to help its family.

Gameplay During the adventure, the player will encounter different monsters. By using different elemental abilities to knock down the monsters, the player can improve their level and ability. Different treasure chests will also be hidden in the world. Players need to use their abilities to find hidden treasure chests to open different levels. Figures Main Character: Slime (player) Main Skill: Devour (To get different abilities from the elements)

Initial setup & Rules Limitation of “Devour” For slime, the current HP means the biggest volume it can Devour. In the game world, players can check the volume of each object which can be devoured.

In the game world, there are lots of rocks. It is a very important and basic asset for slime because it can increase its volume just like HP. In the figure, the slime eats the rock with volume 10, so its HP increases to 20 from 10.

The slime eats the rock with volume 15, so its HP increases to 35 from 20. When the slime has more hp, its body also will enlarge.

As it can’t eat the big rock with 40 volume by using 35 HP, so it eats another rock with 15 volume. Now, its HP increases to 50 from 35.

Then, it can eat the rock with 40 volumes because it has 50 HP . The HP increases from 50 to 90.

Battle system When the player aims something, the view will turn like this. To explain the battle system more clearly, I will change the view.

Suppose the monster “Bee” has HP 20. That means the “Bee” needs to be attacked by rock at least twice (Initial attack power of one rock is 10). When slime spit out rock, it also decreases the HP equally. If you remember, the last figure of Limitation of “Devour” shows the slime has 90HP. In this figure, slime spit out 2 rocks. So, the HP decreased to 70.

Also, player can use charged attacks. For example, the power charge to two grids, it means the slime spit out a rock with 20 attack power. The time used to charge each grid will become faster and faster. For example, the slime that wants to spit out a rock with 20 attack power needs to press the attack button for 1 second. If it wants to spit out a rock with 100 attack power. It only takes 3 seconds. When the rock attacks the monster successfully, it will disappear. If not, slime can eat the rock again to increase the HP. Of course, it can not eat again if the HP is lower than the rock volume.

When slime defeats the monster, it can get exp to increase its LV. The initial HP is 10, the HP of slime will not lower than 10 as it is immortal. For example, the slime has 15 HP and it spits out a rock with 10 volumes. The HP will not decrease to 5. The HP should be 10 and the firepower of the rock is still 10. If the HP = 10 it means the slime does not have any attack power. So, please try hard to eat more and more rock!

If HP=10 because hitted by an enemy during battling, slime will not die and the enemy will not attack slime and they will leave. It is because the slime looks dead. After the enemy leaves, slime can move again, it can find rock to eat to increase its HP. If player wants to battle with the same monster, the monster’s HP is full.

More information about LV up:

Each lv with increase 100 volume of HP and MP 1 LV slime: The biggest volume of hp and mp = 100 2 LV slime: The biggest volume of hp and mp = 200 100 LV slime: The biggest volume of hp and mp = 10000 Element system

Slime can eat different elements, such as water, fire, etc….. When slime devours water with 50 volumes, it will turn to Slime(water). It can use the element of water. And mp will increase to 50.

When slime devours fire with 50 volumes, it will turn to Slime(fire). It can use the element of fire. The MP will accumulate to 100. However, the HP will decrease 1 for each second if slime devours any element because of the exclusive. However, this slime will not die, the decrease of HP will stop when the HP=10. That's why this slime is special.

The slime has an element attack if it devours the element. It can make it more powerful. Each element power is 20, that means slime only uses 10 HP and MP for each attack to give the enemy 20 damage. If it charged the element power to 3 grid, that means slime uses 30 HP and MP can give out 60 attack power. If the monster is restrained, the attack power doubles. For example, you are Slime(fire) now, your enemy with grass element. If you attack the enemy successfully with no charge, the enemy gets 40 damage. If you attack the enemy successfully with 3 gridded charges, the enemy gets 120 damage. When the HP of Slime = 10, and MP = 100. The next attack can give the enemy(no element) 200 damage, the enemy(grass) 400 damage without any charge, just need to click the attack button one time. When the HP of Slime = 10 because of enemy damaged, and MP = 100. The slime will explode immediately. All the enemies around slime will get hurt. Enemy(no element) gets 200 damage, the enemy(grass) gets 400 damage. If the enemy dies because of slime explode. Slime can get the exp. That means if you are afraid you cannot aim to attack the enemy successfully. It is suggested to get damaged from the enemy to make slime explode when you have high MP and low HP.

Usage of Element Body The objects around the Slime(have element) will also be affected. For example, if it becomes a Slime(fire), when it walks on grass, the grass will burn. It is useful when battling with enemies on grass or is a way to get some treasure. If it becomes a Slime(water), when it walks on grass, the slime will walk slower. It is a debuff because it increases the time to walk to the goal. That means the HP decreases more because it is continuing to decrease. If player do not need any element and don't want to decrease HP continuing. Player can release all the energy which will not decrease any HP, and also the MP will turn 0. Of course, using release will not cause any damage to the environment or enemy around Slime. Treasures are always useful. There are lots of different things that help Slime become stronger. For example money, materials or props. They can be used to exchange some useful props with other npc. There are some magical props that can be used by Slime.

Example of props: Increase HP Increase MP (only can be use when Slime have element) HP storage Release storage Attack power increase Defend power increase Walking speed increase Initial attack power increase (For the Lv of slime and enemy stronger and stronger in later period, this props can increase initial attack forever. For example each attack of rock change 10 to 50, element attack change 20 to 100)


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