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作家相片Sheu Suki

RVT (Runtime Virtual Texture) + ZupGlass

Recently, I found a really powerful effect which benefits my FYP. It is called RVT (Runtime Virtual Texture). It creates its texel data on demand using the GPU at runtime, and works similarly to traditional texture mapping. The RVT caches shading data over large areas, making them a good fit for Landscape shading that uses decal-like materials and splines that are well suited to conform to the terrain. For easy to say, it helps my assets have more variation based on the environment. I don't need to paint some detailed texture hand by hand, I can complete some assets first even though I do not have a complete environment mind map. This is because I can change the details instantly. This function can help my assets more easily blend into the environment. It strongly saves my time.

The tutorial link:

The notes wrote during following the tutorial:

-project setting: close auto exposure

-project setting: enable virtual texture support

RVT folder

-Texture → runtime Virtual Texture (x2) named as

LandscapeColorTexture, LandscapeHeight → put to the world

- Set bounds landscape (after finish or updated the landscape) → virtual texture import texture: LandscapeColorTexture and LandscapeHeight

Landscape materials folder

- Create material(named as Landscape Master Material) → import to landscape materials

- Landscape Master Material graph: Layer Blend (The color that will be blend)

- Add constant 3 vector (press 3 + left click) → convert to parameter

-For ground color (add two similar color and conect to lerp (linear interpolation which base on gray scale image to decide the scale of color show


- lerp (press L + left click)

- param(pree s + left click)

-Landscape folder + folder (layer info)

-Landscape paint → target layer → + weight blended layer to layer info folder


The materials can be used for all assets


Adding a color variation helps me correct the color more easily.

(Sometime painted in substance painter then import to unreal will give out the effect not my imagine)


For RVTHeightBlend, it helps us generate the landscape color to the assets starting from bottom. I can change the ratio freely which helps my assets more easily blend in the area.

For ZupGlass, the effect is based on the normal, it will find out which normal is pointing upwards and create a mask. Therefore, this effect is actually not only for making grass.

AO, Metallic, Specular,Roughness

For stylised assets, there is not need to have too much metallic, specular and roughness change. Therefore, controlling it with no texture map is enough.




As I follow the tutorial, it is suggested that to make detail normal for the future may be needed. However, I think it is useless for me. So I deleted it.

RVT & ZupGrass Effect

It shows how RVT and ZupGrass are useful.

It makes 4 different colors with only one material ball.


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