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作家相片Sheu Suki


As the player can control the slime flying, I decided to change the Maze design to be more interesting. I added some high layer positions so players need to make use of the flying function to get the collectible items. This game mix Pac-Man and little concept of Super Mario (Jump freely to get items and avoid bad soul)

The walking speed of Bad Soul will increase when they chase the Player. If you do not speed up your walking speed. You will be catched. Sometimes, you may find there is no road to walk but the ghost behind you. You may try to fly and find a higher place to stand to escape from Bad Soul.

Players also can stand on the wall to escape from Bad Soul. Also, you can make use of this function to find where the collectible items are left. However, in my planning, there will be some super props to let you know where the collectible items are left when you use it which can help you find the items faster.

Also, I think 500 items is too much to collect. So, I decreased it to 250. Actually, I just mainly change the density of the items. (I may continue to change the design during testing in the future)

I had no time to think about the new special design for Bad Soul and it is not very important. Therefore, I just change the appearance of eyes and change its body to transparent and it is black. The design is suitable for the meaning of Bad Soul. Also, its size is bigger than our Protagonist to let players see it more clearly.


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