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作家相片Sheu Suki

Find help from UE shop

As it is a one person project, I will not have time to build all the assets if I need to produce a game in half a year. Therefore, I found help from UE shop.

The style will not merge to my game background if I use the assets directly. Therefore, I will do some changes to every asset to make the style similar.

As I did a powerful master material before. Therefore, I can pick the original texture of the assets, then put it into my master material. The effect looks good. It makes the tree trunk look similar to the style of the tree I made before.

For the leaves, what is my style? I think it should be color variation and a little brightness. There are two colored leaves in one tree. Therefore, I copy the needed code to the master materials of the assets.

For the rock, I found that most of the assets are very realistic which do not match with my game. However, my master material is power which can solve the problem nicely. Something a little special is that, I will turn the normal lower (looks not clear) and I turn the base color map brighter to make the assets look stylised.

Some assets I have not processed now as I find it also takes time. I hope I can build the scene as soon as possible, so finding assets and processing it and building the scene will be done at the same time later.

As I have already thought about what scene I will do. Therefore, it is more clear which type of assets I may use.

At least I know how to make a tree or rock from zero. In order to speed up my work. I need to find the assets from the website and process it.


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