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Suki Sheu
FYP project in 2020 (HKDI)
It is my pressure I am the group leader of my FYP project. Since I am good in time-management. My groupmates thanks me a lot about it!
Since when we grouped, I am not familiar with all my groupmates. It caused lots of problems. During producing FYP, I improve my problem-solving skills. Moreover, it strengthened my organizational skills and sharpened my communication skills by leading my groupmates to complete our 2D animation.
In the FYP project, I mainly did the whole editing and most in-between drawing. Therefore, I learnt lots of functions of AE. Also, I think I am good at drawing in-between!
Character Design
2D Animation - 123 People Wood
The animation is to remind people not to do some disturbing action in the cinema.
2D Animation - Practice
2D Works Before 2020
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